Dear Kristin,
Thank you again for inviting Operation Write Home to participate in the Expo. Everyone on your team was wonderful and we were treated with such kindness.
I know you all are exhausted but wanted you to know that everyone I spoke to had nothing but positive things to say about their experiences. Your attendees were so very supportive of Operation Write Home.I had several military wives, sisters, cousins etc., comment on how grateful they were that you would be supportive of their loved ones serving overseas and at home.
Our grand total of cards came to 3,277. We figure that the average cost of a card is around $2.00 per card so that equals out to an over $6,000.00 donation from your attendees...which is an awesome amount by any standards, but especially considering it was achieved in a 24 hour period.
You were stellar partners...
Thanks again,

What a great opportunity it has been AND will continue to be. Care With Cards will be moving forward! We plan to keep working together with each of you to spread more love, happiness and smiles through our crafting. Keep an eye out as we have more plans for our September show coming up September 28-29!
This was one of my favorite parts of this year's show! Thanks for letting us be part of such a great cause. :)