Mar 30, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt using Scrap Codes

I know Easter is only one day away, but I still wanted to share what we'll be doing Sunday morning. I love Scrap Codes! Their really fun and versatile product utilizes QR codes to personalize whatever you want. When you receive one of their codes, you add the specific code number to your account and then are directed to a page that allows you to upload photos, video, audio, notes, or add a link to something else. I decided I wanted to spice up our little Easter egg hunt and combine it with the popular scripture egg activity where each egg contains something that has to do with the Resurrection.

So, rather than having each egg contain that part of the Resurrection with the scripture, I added the Scrap Codes sticker to each egg and filled them with candy. There will be five eggs total, because my kids are still young and have short attention spans, and the last one will have their stash of fun. Here's some of the eggs and their locations (the codes still scanned just fine even though they were a little folded):

Here's the break down of each egg:

#1-John 13:34-35  Heart
#2-Luke 22: 19-20  Sacrament Cup or Bread
#3-Isaiah 1:18 Snowflake or something white
#4-John 3:16 Cross
#5-Matthew 28:6 Empty Tomb

And here are the links that I used for each one. Because kids are visual, I chose to use either pictures or video for each. The pictures I directly uploaded and the videos I just linked to. It will be fun to run around and find the egg, get the goody, but also be able to talk about Easter and its importance at the same time. It makes it more fun to scan the eggs and find a "treasure" too!






If this looks fun to you, you can grab some from their store online!